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Glume blotch

  • Cause: Parastgonospora nodorum
  • Environment: Favors high humidity and warm weather with temperatures of 68-82°F
  • Timing: Symptoms appear shortly after flowering typically 10 to 20 days after infection
  • Appearance: Scout for dark brown splotches on the wheat head with a slight purple tint. Eventually, the disease will produce brown fruiting bodies and cause kernels to shrink.
  • Risk: Damage to leaf tissues, reduced test weight and decreased yield potential

Use Miravis Ace to Fight Glume blotch

Gain best-in-class broad-spectrum control against damaging wheat diseases with Miravis® Ace fungicide. Powered by exclusive ADEPIDYN® technology, Miravis Ace protects the main heads and tillers from disease and crop stress for increased yield and profit potential.

Why Use a Cleaner & Greener Fungicide?

From disease to crop stress, you don't know what the season will bring so your yield potential needs protection on all fronts! That's why only Cleaner & Greener fungicides are powered by exclusive ADEPIDYN® and SOLATENOL® technologies to provide a step change in broad-spectrum disease control and protection from crop stress like drought.