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Northern corn leaf blight

  • Cause: Exserohilum turcicum
  • Environment: Favors extended periods of leaf wetness and moderate to warm temperatures
  • Timing: Lesions appear in the upper canopy after tasseling and through senescence.
  • Appearance: Infections typically produce lesions first on the lower leaves before tasseling (VT) and then further up the plant as the season progresses, with rain and wind aiding in spore dispersal.
  • Risk: Damage to leaf tissues and decreased yield potential

Use Miravis Neo to Fight Northern corn leaf blight

Safeguard your investment from damaging corn diseases like rusts, leaf spots and blights with Miravis® Neo fungicide. Powered by exclusive ADEPIDYN® technology, Miravis Neo delivers superior yield protection from disease and crop stress so you see more green in the field and back in your pocket.

Why Use a Cleaner & Greener Fungicide?

From disease to crop stress, you don't know what the season will bring so your yield potential needs protection on all fronts! That's why only Cleaner & Greener fungicides are powered by exclusive ADEPIDYN® and SOLATENOL® technologies to provide a step change in broad-spectrum disease control and protection from crop stress like drought.