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Frogeye leaf spot

  • Cause: Cercospora sojina
  • Environment: Favors warm, humid environments
  • Timing: Commonly appears after flowering but can occur any time during the growing season
  • Appearance: Look for small, dark, water-soaked, circular to angular lesions with gray-brown borders on young leaves. Lesions don’t begin to form until two weeks after initial infection
  • Risk: Damage to leaf tissues and decreased yield potential

Use Miravis Top to Fight Frogeye leaf spot

Unlock your full yield potential by shutting down the toughest, yield-robbing soybean diseases with Miravis Top. Powered by exclusive ADEPIDYN® technology, Miravis Top delivers superior yield protection from disease and crop stress for maximized return at harvest.

Why Use a Cleaner & Greener Fungicide?

From disease to crop stress, you don't know what the season will bring so your yield potential needs protection on all fronts! That's why only Cleaner & Greener fungicides are powered by exclusive ADEPIDYN® and SOLATENOL® technologies to provide a step change in broad-spectrum disease control and protection from crop stress like drought.